Wealthion, Released on 10/6/22 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE The global economy runs on credit, so when there’s trouble in the credit markets, EVERYTHING hangs in the balance. Bond yields have been rising fast around the world this year. So fast in some cases, that things are starting to break. Just this […]
Wealthion, Released on 4/29/22 For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HERE With sentiment souring as stocks & bonds both have their worst start to the year in decades, is it now time to start shorting the markets Highly experienced short seller Bill Fleckenstein shares his professional opinion in this video. Bill Fleckenstein is the […]
Wealthion, Released on 4/28/22 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE When had Bill Fleckenstein on this program last year, he predicted that a financial reckoning was due, but wouldn’t arrive until we started seeing “trouble in the bond market.” Well bonds have certainly started seeing wild action recently: – The 10 year US […]
Wealthion, Released on 2/3/22 For Part 1 of this interview, CLICK HERE Our interview with Bill Fleckenstein continues here, where Bill shares his thoughts on how investors can protect & growth their wealth given the unique conditions of 2022. For the reasons he detailed in Part 1 of this interview, Bill is beginning to place […]
Wealthion, Released on 2/3/22 For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERE A lot of people regard the Federal Reserve as omnipotent. But it’s not. The bond market is more powerful. And its days of deferring to the Fed’s wishes may soon be over. Should that happen, all heck will break loose in the markets. […]
Wall Street Silver, Released on 9/1/21 Bill Fleckenstein joins us to discuss the Fed’s crazy actions, short selling in the current market, gold & silver investments he is looking at now and many other topics. Bill Fleckenstein is the President of Fleckenstein Capital and writes a popular column ‘Contrarian Chronicles’ for MSN Money as well […]
Peak Prosperity, Released on 4/16/21 Part 1 (part 2 below) Part 2 Bill Fleckenstein is the President of Fleckenstein Capital and writes a popular column ‘Contrarian Chronicles’ for MSN Money as well as the daily Market Rap column for his website: Fleckenstein Capital. Bill has appeared at one time or another in virtually all […]
George Gammon, Released on 4/1/21 Bill Fleckenstein is the President of Fleckenstein Capital and writes a popular column ‘Contrarian Chronicles’ for MSN Money as well as the daily Market Rap column for his website: Fleckenstein Capital. Bill has appeared at one time or another in virtually all financial media including Bloomberg, CNBC, The New York […]