Gloom Boom Doom, Released on 7/1/21 Recently, Abigail Disney wrote an article entitled, I Was Taught From a Young Age to Protect My Dynastic Wealth (Miss Disney is the granddaughter of Roy Disney who founded with Walt Disney the successful entertainment company in 1923). Continue…
Gloom Boom Doom, Released on 5/31/21 According to former US assistant secretary of education for planning, Williamson M. Evers, “If California education officials have their way, generations of students may not know how to calculate an apartment’s square footage or the area of a farm field, but the ‘mathematics’ of political agitation and organizing will […]
Gloom Boom Doom, Released on 5/1/21 “Every ambitious would-be empire clarions it abroad that she is conquering the world to bring it peace, security and freedom, and is sacrificing her sons only for the most noble Continue…
Gloom Boom Doom, Released on 10/1/20 According to economist Thorstein Polleit who works for Degussa and writes occasionally for, “price inflation caused by the increase in the quantity of money does not only Continue…
Gloom Boom Doom, Released on 8/1/20 My advice is to hold a basic allocation to precious metals, and if desired take occasionally trading positions. Should confidence in the system erode (I am surprised there is still any confidence left) Continue…
Gloom Boom Doom, Released on 7/1/20 “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” Continue…