Rickards: The Point of No Return(s)
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/21/24 Should the U.S. national debt be considered an actual crisis? Does it have the destructive power of a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or other crisis? Continue…
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/21/24 Should the U.S. national debt be considered an actual crisis? Does it have the destructive power of a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or other crisis? Continue…
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/17/24 Sure, Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. But the election is happening in real-time and will mostly be over by Continue…
Jim Rickards – X, Released on 10/14/24 How condescending can you get? Kamala Harris, the Indo-Jamaican descendant of slave owners appeals to Blacks by offering to legalize marijuana. I expect they don't need drugs. They want stable prices and less crime like the rest of us.https://t.co/fXn8SGCeNw — Jim Rickards (@JamesGRickards) October 14, 2024 Jim Rickards […]
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/14/24 Janet Yellen gave a speech on Sept. 26 at the 2024 U.S. Treasury Market Conference in New York. Continue…
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/10/24 Over the past century, monetary systems change about every 30–40 years on average. Before 1914, the global monetary Continue…
Jim Rickards – X, Released on 10/7/24 At least Harris is honest. The blood of 500,000 dead Ukrainians on her hands is not enough. She and the other DC warmongers want more blood, more dead. If she wins, she'll have it.https://t.co/npuR8JGsNh — Jim Rickards (@JamesGRickards) October 8, 2024 Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker […]
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/7/24 It’s hard to believe, but the election is now under a month away. How does the race look today? Let’s talk about the polls. Continue…
Daily Reckoning, Released on 10/2/24 There’s so much happening right now, including last night’s vice presidential debate, it’s hard to know where to begin. Continue…