Goldseek, Released on 9/23/23
Bob Moriarty, founder of, returns with insights on the financial markets.
– US equities sell-off followings hawkish Fed commentary.
– Could the end of “easy-money” near-zero rates implode the Western debt laden economy?
– Soaring “black-gold” crude oil has profound implications on overall price levels, i.e., inflation.
– Is the Petro-dollar arrangement unravelling in real-time?
– Ex-military (120+ flight missions) strategic commentary on the Ukrainian situation.
– PMs shares commentary.
– Are gold and resource mining companies selling for pennies on the dollar?
– 10x – 100x investing opportunities!
– How to emulate Sir John Templeton’s amazing investing returns.
– Opportunities in resources: Lead, zinc, copper, gold, silver, uranium.
– Is the West on the cusp of runaway inflation, Zimbabwe / Weimar style?
– It’s advisable to stockpile 1-year’s meals as storable food in the pantry.
Bob brought to the Internet almost 14 years ago. They later added to cover oil, natural gas, gasoline, coal, solar, wind and nuclear energy. Both sites feature articles, editorial opinions, pricing figures and updates on current events affecting both sectors. Previously, Moriarty was a Marine F-4B and O-1 pilot with more than 820 missions in Vietnam. He holds 14 international aviation records. He is the author of Nobody Knows Anything and Basic Investing in Resource Stocks.