Bix Weir: Before The Election The Country Will Be Hit With A Cyber Attack, Good Guys Are In Control

X22 Report, Released on 2/29/24

Bix begins the conversation talking about the economy. The economy is in the process of being brought down and the good guys will shift it into a people controlled economy. The creation of currency will go back to the people according to the constitution. The [DS]/[CB] will bring the system down using a cyber attack, this attack will be used for multiple agendas. The bad guys will fail in moving the people to their system and the will fail in manipulating the elections. The good guys have the control.

*The interview begins at 2:03

Bix Weir has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his commentary is published at Bix has dedicated his efforts over the last 15 years to exposing the long term manipulation of the gold and silver markets. He has worked closely with the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee helping to pull the curtain away from the Cabal of International Bankers that has taken control of our free market system.

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