Markets Are Screaming Inflation Says Ronnie Stoeferle

Stansberry Research, Released on 2/22/21

We use the volatility of Bitcoin to our advantage, says Ronni Stoeferle, managing partner for Vienna-based Incrementum. “The price is going up because the price is going up” is how he sums up the rapid rally of the crypto. He explains that Bitcoin north of $50,000 is a prime example of the “Crack-Up Boom” theory, formulated by Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises. “It seems that people are losing confidence in paper money and, from my point of view, it’s a very dangerous market environment we are seeing.” Stoeferle adds, “Many don’t remember the taper tantrum that former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke faced… if we should have a second taper tantrum, this will make 2013 look like a kindergarten party.”

Ronald-Peter Stöferle is Managing Partner and Fund manager at Incrementum AG, based in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The company focusses on asset management and wealth management and is one hundred percent owned by its partners. Ronald manages a fund that invests based on the principles of the Austrian School of Economics.

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