Billionaire investor John Paulson: Trump’s tariff plans are ‘well-founded’

CNBC, Released on 9/24/24

Billionaire hedge fund manager, Paulson & Co. founder and president, and Trump campaign adviser John Paulson joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the state of the 2024 election, Donald Trump’s tariff proposals and economic agenda, why he’s throwing support behind the former President, and more.

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Igby MacDavitt

Sounds like a commie who thinks protectionism works with incentives ultimately paid for by the public, not the failing business. No wonder he’s been losing big since 2010:

In 2010, Paulson earned $4.9 billion.[4] The Forbes real-time tracker estimated his net worth at $3 billion as of January 2023.

HOW ABOUT no income tax? Try free market competition? Success based on you and your product’s merit?