Bill Fleckenstein: The Real Reason The Fed’s Rate Cut Was A Mistake

The Julia La Roche Show, Released on 9/24/24

00:12 Welcome and introduction
00:53 Macro view and Fed policy
06:48 Understanding inflation and central bank policies
11:21 The bond market’s role in economic stability
18:01 Bubbles and market psychology
21:45 Current economic health and stagflation outlook
26:46 The Fed’s credibility crisis
31:53 Implications of the upcoming election
34:13 Gold and silver investment perspectives
35:55 Japanese yen carry trade unwind
37:14 US dollar outlook
39:41 Thesis development in investing
42:00 The U.S. debt situation and future outlook
44:03 Parting thoughts on developing investment theses
46:07 Book recommendations and where to find Bill’s work

Bill Fleckenstein is the President of Fleckenstein Capital and writes a popular column ‘Contrarian Chronicles’ for MSN Money as well as the daily Market Rap column for his website: Fleckenstein Capital. Bill has appeared at one time or another in virtually all financial media including Bloomberg, CNBC, The New York Times, MSN, Marketwatch, Barron’s and more. Bill is a highly sought after speaker, successful author of Greenspan’s Bubbles: The Age of Ignorance at the Federal Reserve and has been in the financial sector for over 25 years.

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