Banning Cash…Q&A With Lynette Zang

ITM Trading, Released on 11/25/20

Submitted Questions:

Jacques D: I can understand that in a case like a reset all investments in the market could be wiped out and we should have as little debt as possible but what happens to savings held in a personal bank account?

Ariana M: If an overnight reset could force my paper dollars to zero, what does that mean for his compensation & pension benefits as well as the wealth in banking and insurance policies? 1:52

Maria G: I have purchased gold with ABC Bullion in Australia and most of my gold/ silver (95%) is in secure storage with ABC Bullion. I hold only a very small portion of gold/ silver coins at home. Should I be concerned about counter party risk on behalf of the ABC Bullion company? Should I be holding all the gold/ silver at home? 5:40

IdahoDoc: We are constantly being told that precious metals are not an investment for making money but preserving wealth instead. When the monetary crash comes will the real value of precious metals increase making us better off, or will the real value of precious metals stay the same but the plummeting living standards of everyone else make us feel like we have become better off? 9:15

Yamil L: How would the banning of physical cash affect the price of gold? 11:37

SapnaDreamsVegan: I would think we should go into and buy income producing assets. Debt will be inflated away and you will be left with hard assets, correct? 15:19

Sigurd: Any thoughts on bitcoins close above the all time high? 16:35

Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been in the markets on some level since 1964. Her mission is to convert financial noise into understandable language. She has been a banker, a stock broker and studied world currencies since 1987. She believes strongly that we need to be as independent as possible and at the same time, we need to come together in community in order to survive and thrive through the hyperinflation she sees in the near future.

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