Harry S. Dent Jr., Released on 11/18/22
As markets bounce, are we looking at a next wave down? Harry Dent explores what’s up (and down) with stocks, what’s next with domestic and global real estate, and how you can play the markets.
Harry Dent is a Fortune 100 consultant, new venture investor, noted speaker, bestselling author, and the founder of HarryDent.com, where he dedicates himself to identifying and studying demographic, technological, and geopolitical trends. Harry received his MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar and was elected to the Century Club for leadership excellence. He then joined Bain & Company as a Fortune 100 business consultant. He’s written numerous books, including The Great Boom Ahead (1992), The Great Depression Ahead (2008), The Great Crash Ahead (2011) and The Demographic Cliff (2014). His most recent novels are The Sale of a Lifetime and Zero Hour.
Harry “The Clown” Dent has been consistently WRONG for 10 years. One day, and maybe soon, there will be a big bust, but for his predictions it will not be a broken clock being right twice a day, it will be a clock being right once every ten years or more. If you followed his advice the S&P would need to get to 1500, and the Nasdaq to 3500 JUST to break even. How does a clown like this stay in business?