Steve Forbes: The Inflation Situation

The Income Generation Show, Released on 5/1/22

Steve Forbes’ new book: Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It

Steve Forbes is an American publishing executive who was twice a candidate for the nomination of the Republican Party for president. He is the editor-in-chief of business magazine Forbes magazine as well as president and chief executive officer of its parent company, Forbes, Inc. Mr. Forbes’ latest book is Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It.

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bobby boyce

A pretty good interview by Forbes, but here’s the problem. When it comes to (monetary) inflation most average working people just don’t understand what exactly is going on when the value of their hard earned dollars get depreciated & devalued. Yes, they recognize prices are rising and yes they get angry & frustrated, but that’s the extent of it. They don’t know why prices are rising and they don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes which is the cause of their alarm.

This malicious & ongoing crime doesn’t just happen by mistake. It’s not some natural occurrence found in nature and it doesn’t happen because of bad luck or happenstance. It doesn’t occur because of some random disaster like being hit by a tornado. No, this is an intentional process caused by a certain group of people. It is a man made phenomenon & a crime against society. It is a deliberate process and you are intentionally being robbed & stolen from by people working for our own govt. Since the problem was created by men it can be fixed by men. But it wont, and the thievery will continue on indefinitely, year after year. As long as they can get away with it they will continue doing it.

And the only reasonable, rational, and precise solution? End The Fed! We need to break it into a million pieces and scatter it into the wind.