Cambridge House International Inc., Released on 1/22/21 (Recorded on 1/17/21)
*This interview was part of the The Vancouver Resource Investment Conference which took place virtually on January 17-19, 2021.
Ross Beaty is the Chairman of Equinox Gold and Pan American Silver Corp. Ross sits down with Cambridge House CEO Jay Martin to discuss the state of the current gold market, and how to place capital into gold, silver, copper and uranium stocks.
Ross J. Beaty is an entrepreneur and businessperson who has been at the helm of 12 different companies and is Chairman for Equinox Gold Corp., Chairman at Pan American Silver Corp. (which he founded in 1994) and Chairman for Regalito Copper Corp. Ross J. Beaty is also President & Director at Sitka Foundation and on the board of 5 other companies. He is the founder of 6 different companies, including: Pan American Silver Corp., Global Copper Corp. and Northern Peru Copper Corp.