Andy Schectman: Customers Bought Silver Even During Selloff

Arcadia Economics, Released on 8/16/20

There was a big sell-off in the COMEX silver market this week. But what was really happening on the physical level, and were investors actually buying or selling?

Find out in this week’s physical silver and gold market update with Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin!

Andy Schectman is the President and CEO of Miles Franklin Ltd. Precious Metals.

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“Customers Bought Silver Even During Selloff”

That’s exactly right. In the past year or so, every one of these fake (that is, not due to naturally occurring market dynamics) price smack-downs, has been met by even more buying. And after years of these fake smack-downs, the bullion banks are out of ammo. So they’ve resorted to selling bullion that won’t be mined for many months from now. What kind of idiocy is that??? Selling a customer something that won’t be produced until some time far into the future? And how is it that they get away with that? It would seem a new method of trade/price discovery is needed. The corrupted LBMA/COMEX has got to go…..