Doug Casey’s Take, Released on 1/28/25
In this detailed and thought-provoking podcast episode, the hosts engage in a comprehensive discussion with Paul Craig Roberts about the current state of American politics and society. The conversation delves into the challenges facing Donald Trump’s presidency, the entrenched power of the establishment, and the looming threats from both domestic and international fronts. Topics include the influence of the Israel lobby, the risk of war with Iran, the Federal Reserve’s economic impact, and the pervasive reach of the deep state. Additionally, the conversation touches on historical perspectives of U.S. governance, its transformation over decades, and the cultural and political strife shaping the nation’s future. This episode is crucial for understanding the significant dynamics at play in American politics today and the critical juncture at which the country stands.
00:00 Introduction: The Power Struggle
01:29 Interview with Paul Craig Roberts
02:58 Trump’s Political Challenges
06:42 The Establishment’s Influence
07:56 The Role of DEI and Legal Discrimination
10:49 The Fight Against the Deep State
12:52 The Institutionalized Establishment
21:59 The Executive Power Trend
34:40 Historical Context and Government Control
40:24 The Return of Slavery: Income Taxes and Government Control
40:54 Trump’s Proposal: Eliminating Income Tax
41:28 Offshoring and Its Impact on American Manufacturing
43:02 The Decline of American Cities
46:50 Regulatory Agencies and Corporate Interests
48:27 COVID-19 Vaccines and Public Health Concerns
50:31 The Deep State and Trump’s Challenges
53:37 Global Politics: Europe, NATO, and Western Civilization
56:34 Trump’s Vision and the Establishment’s Resistance
01:02:28 The Future of America: Hope and Challenges
01:03:07 Historical Reflections: Nixon, Reagan, and Trump
01:12:28 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and was noted as a co-founder of Reaganomics. Dr. Roberts is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy. He has penned a dozen books, most recently Empire of Lies. You can find his latest articles at his website, Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy.
Doug Casey is an American-born libertarian economist and advocate of the free market. He is a bestselling financial author, international investor, entrepreneur, and the founder and chairman of Casey Research, a provider of subscription financial analysis about specific market verticals including natural resources, metals, mining, energy, commodities, and technology. He has authored four books, including Crisis Investing, the top-selling investing book of all time, Totally Incorrect, and Right on the Money. He also publishes a video podcast called Doug Casey’s Take and publishes articles at International Man.
PCR is lost in the two-party paradigm. He refuses to accept that Trump is owned by the Zionists, and will do exactly what they both agree needs to be done.