Karl Denninger: Hurricanes And Carbon

Market Ticker, Released on 9/29/24

Oh you want to remove carbon from our economy eh? Uh, not so fast. If you’re that much of a monster you go first, and if you try to enforce that you should be made to go first. I explain, and if you have two working brain cells you’ll get it once you listen to this.

Karl Denninger is an American technology businessman, finance blogger, and political activist, sometimes referred to as a founding member of the Tea Party movement. His website is The Market Ticker.

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Karl Graz

Karl is on fire…I love it!

Igby MacDavitt

I despise listening to drunks in general, and Denninger is no exception. But your comment piqued my curiosity, so I jumped to the carbon topic. And he makes good sense. Similarly, t’s been my reply to the “over population’ crowd for decades — you go first.