Alex Newman: UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis

USA Watchdog, Released on 9/25/24

“Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has been warning of plans by the United Nations for total tyrannical control of your life. This past weekend at UN headquarters in New York City, all countries sealed the deal to hand over your freedoms to these demonic monsters. Newman explains, ” This is probably the most important story of the decade. Every world leader was there. Joe Biden was there. Almost every world leader on the planet was there. Every president, king and dictator were all there, and they are all signing what the UN calls the “Pact for the Future.” This, in their own words, is going to morph the United Nations into the “UN 2.0.” When you read the text of this agreement that was adopted by every government on earth. . . . every government agreed to this, and they said they are going to strengthen the UN. They want the Secretary General of the UN to explore how he will take over everything during a complex global shock. They want every nation in the world to be under the authority of the International Court of Justice. They want international cooperation on taxes. They want to tax high net worth individuals. The list of things in here is absolutely mind blowing. This was adopted by every government in the world. . . . Don’t take my word for it, read the article yourself and see if I am not telling the truth. They are turbo charging the UN. . . . Every area of your life is going to be affected by this agreement. Until this was approved, there was not a peep from the fake media in the United States.”

Alex Newman is the founder of and author of the recent book “Deep State.”

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Does anybody trust the United Nations?
The Palace of Strangers
Not involved in peace
Which are predominantly non-White countries not Nations
Which we have absolutely nothing in common with
It is all about control

In 2020, these same UN 190+ member states (many of whom were pressured and coopted) fully endorsed the Covid-19 pandemic consisting of the March 2020 Lockdown as well as the December 2020 SARS-Cov-2 “Vaccine”

The UN is an evil confederation against the free world