David Hunter: How to Invest Through 2029 Amid Elections, War, AI, Dollar Decline & Gold Surges

Family Office TV, Released on 9/21/24

As we approach the next decade, unprecedented economic and geopolitical challenges are at our doorstep. In this special podcast, I was joined by David Hunter, a seasoned macro strategist with five decades of Wall Street experience, to explore how family offices and investors can navigate this turbulent landscape.

We’ll delve into critical questions, including:

* You’ve predicted a significant market melt-up followed by a crash around 2025—what key factors drive your confidence in this timeline, and is there any scenario that would force you to reconsider?
* What specific economic or geopolitical signals would cause you to revise your forecast for a market collapse?
* The Federal Reserve’s data is often scrutinized. How do you differentiate between reliable data and noise in their reports?
* Which three economic indicators do you prioritize most in assessing market health, and why are they critical to your predictions?
* With BRICS nations moving toward a new payment system, when do you foresee the end of U.S. dollar dominance, and what will the global financial order look like post-dollar?
* Is hyperinflation a legitimate threat to U.S. assets, and if so, what would be the trigger point?
* You’ve warned of the biggest market crash in history 80%—how will this impact global markets, and will the rest of the world face similar devastation?
* For family offices with portfolios heavily denominated in U.S. dollars, how concerned should they be about currency risk as the dollar weakens?
* How do you assess leverage and counterparty risks for family offices, especially during a potential melt-up and subsequent downturn?
* What would cause the U.S. dollar to lose its reserve currency status, and what could realistically take its place within the next decade?
* Are commodities like gold, oil, and copper reliable hedges against inflation, and how do farmland and businesses with pricing power compare?
* Do you believe the price of gold is being suppressed, and if so, when will central banks stop hoarding gold, leading to a potential price explosion?
* Is Trump running against Kamala or is he running against a system that requires a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification?
* Are companies like Amazon, Meta, and Alphabet too entrenched to fail, or do you see vulnerabilities that could disrupt their dominance?
* If your predictions of a melt-up followed by a crash come true, will gold and silver miners outperform the commodities themselves, and why?

David Hunter is Chief Macro Strategist at Contrarian Macro Advisors. He is an investment professional with 25 years of investment management experience and 20 years as a sell-side strategist with strong expertise in macroeconomic analysis and portfolio management.

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