Vince Lanci: BRICS 2024: 126 Nations Eyeing US Dollar Exit

Arcadia Economics, Released on 8/29/24

The October BRICS meeting is suddenly not that far away. And now as Vince Lanci reports in today’s show, we’re up to 126 nations that are set to attend the BRICS Municipal Conference. Showing increasing interest in joining the bloc and moving away from reliance on the US dollar. Vince also talks JP Morgan’s gold comments, Nvidia’s earnings, and the rest of the precious metals news this morning. To find out more, click to watch the video now!

Vince Lanci is Managing Partner at Echobay Partners LLC. Vince founded Echobay after a profitable career running CiS Options and Berard Capital. The firm is a vehicle for expressing his and “friends and family” personal investment ideas. Echobay also consults on market structure, risk management, and legal cases involving fraud in markets. Vince is also a regular contribute to

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