Bill Holter: It Does Not Matter What The Fed Does

Coffee And A Mike, Releasaed on 8/27/24

Bill Holter is a writer, a precious metals expert and broker. On the podcast he talks the crash of the financial system, the difference between now and 2008, the Fed, state of the military, Europe, and much more.

*The interview begins at 0:47

Bill Holter is currently a writer for Miles Franklin and Jim Sinclair’s Mineset where he posts weekly commentaries on gold and financial markets. Prior to joining Miles Franklin in 2012, Bill Holter Worked as a retail stockbroker for 23 years, including 12 years as a branch manager at A.G. Edwards. Later, he left Wall Street to avoid potential liabilities related to management of paper assets. Bill was a well-known contributor to the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) commentaries from 2007-2012. Bill became a writer for Jim Sinclair’s Mineset in 2015. Bill’s commentary can also be found at

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American are not apathetic. They are supressed by the police and alleged intelligence agencies. Please recall what happened to occupy wall street and the Jan 6 protestors still rotting in prison. Do something or even just speak out and lose your job and maybe get arrested.

Farm Boy

The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen

Farm Boy

People living in the street have lost everything and yet do nothing.

Igby MacDavitt

Good interview.