Martin Armstrong: The Hidden Cost That Could Devastate Equities, Real Estate & Long-Term Investments

Palisades Gold Radio, Released on 7/1/24

0:00 – Introduction
0:39 – Politics Trending Right
6:14 – Establishment Threat
10:52 – US Gov. Approval Numbers
13:27 – Rights Vs. Discrimination
18:46 – Historic Conflicts & Lies
24:16 – Purpose of NATO
30:50 – Diplomacy & The West
32:50 – US Overcommitted Empire
35:07 – Conflict on Four Fronts?
37:50 – The Plan for Biden
41:57 – Collapsing Confidence
44:40 – Swiss Democratic System
50:19 – Manipulating Society
52:47 – Gold Buying & Geopolitics
54:52 – Digital Currencies
1:02:07 – Signposts of Collapse
1:06:15 – Gold During Uncertainty
1:09:38 – China & Global Demographics
1:12:45 – Wrap Up

Martin Armstrong is a world renown economist and the creator of the Economic Confidence Model. He is the founder of Armstrong Economics – a public service and blog for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis possible. He published a book in 2019 called Manipulating the World Economy.

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