Jesse Felder: Gamma Squeeze Driving Nvidia & Apple Higher, AI Capex Benefits Copper & Energy More

Wall St. For Main St., Released on 6/24/24

Jesse talks about Nvidia, Apple and the other few Mag 7 stocks making up most of the gains in the S&P 500 and how this $1 trillion of extra market cap was a gamma squeeze along with retail investor call option buying rather than on fundamentals. Jesse talks a lot about problems with Big Tech investments into artificial intelligence and how investing many billions into data centers will hurt profit margins. Jason asks Jesse about bond market volatility, gold and why commodities like natural gas, uranium and copper may be a better way to play the AI and data center capex boom.

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Jesse Felder began his professional career at Bear, Stearns & Co. and later co-founded a multi-billion-dollar hedge fund firm headquartered in Santa Monica, California. He’s the founder of Felder Investment Research, LLC, which publishes The Felder Report.

Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School economist, and contrarian. Jason co-founded the startup financial education company Wall St for Main St, LLC, to try to help the people of Main Street by teaching them the knowledge, skills, research methods, and investing expertise of Wall Street. You can also find Jason’s work at his blog website at

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